Hey everyone! So it’s been a couple of weeks since the Pittsburgh show, but the photos are finally here! Hope you enjoy ‘em :)
Now, I have some ideas that I’d like to run by you all. One is Fanson Friday. I’m thinking that “fan photos” and “you might be a fanson if…” would be alternating topics. So say this Friday features fan photos, the next Friday will be a post discussing a trait typical to that of a fanson. You will receive credit for your photo(s)/topic if they are featured.
However, one post a week will not be sufficient. While I would like to update regularly with news about the beloved band, Hansonews already does a great job of that. So I’m trying to find other means to distinguish this blog from theirs. If there is anything you would like to see here that is not done on the other blog, do let me know. I am open to all suggestions.
Lastly, I’d like to mention a possible project that’s not blog-related nor was it my idea. I’ve seen a few posts on hnet and some discussion on twitter, but from what I can gather, nothing has been done about it yet. So how would you all feel about “Flash Mob Day”? We’d have flash mobs take place all over the country on one given day, and perhaps notify a local news station about it. Think about it-- news stations all over the United States doing a report on a Hanson flash mob on the same day. How cool would that be? I know that we’d need plenty of ambitious people who are willing to organize a flash mob in their region, but if I know one thing about fansons is that there is plenty of dedication out there :)
Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail. Looking forward to hearing from you!